Clinical Innovations > Learning Communities
DARTNet Institute utilizes and presents clinical data with the goal of informing best practices for care. Interactions amongst DI members in the form of learning communities impart ideas and knowledge to practice-based research networks and practices that are largely transferrable to a variety of organizational and practice settings. DI learning communities are a resource to get information to practices and researchers as well as to ask questions and find information on quality measures related to the specialized learning groups. For example, within the Performance Report learning community, data are disseminated to fuel topics for discussion and improvements.
DI currently has four Clinician and Practice communities and three focused Methods and Research communities. Both project and non-project specific communities can be contacted for more information.
Sustainable quality improvement begins with iterative practice learning and process change. Adopting a new approach to care (via a research project) generally involves a changed or additional interaction with patients and the electronic health record. DI projects aim to disseminate tested clinical decision support algorithms and encourage workflow sharing amongst groups and non-members.