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Funding History
Listed from earliest to most recent.
Developing a Distributed Research Network and Cooperative to Conduct Population-based Studies and Safety Surveillance, AHRQ contract HHSA290200500371 Task Order 2, $1,350,520
This contract provided the original for the development of the DARTNet model network, including a pilot study on the comparative effectiveness of hypoglycemic medications for diabetes treatment. View findings on the AHRQ Effective Health Care Program site.
Scalable Architecture For Federated Therapeutic Inquiries Network (SAFTINet), Lisa Schilling, AHRQ
The overall goals of this project are to enhance the capacity and capability of a safety net focused distributed research network to conduct prospective comparative effectiveness research via a multi-setting, multi-state organization. SAFTINet will federate geographically dispersed safety net entities that collectively serve markedly diverse underserved populations. SAFTINet will leverage and extend the established governance and technologic capabilities of DARTNet to allow more flexible options for participants and improved grid technology. For more information, see SAFTINet's website.
A Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Learning Community in DARTNet, Karl Hammermeister, NHLBI 1RC1HL101071-01, $499,926
This project created a Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Learning Community, and electronically collected data on trajectories of hypertension and LDL-cholesterol control, antihypertensive and hypolipidemic drug prescription and fulfillment data, and relatively mutable and relatively immutable factors associated with hypertension and LDL control. Based on those data, the researchers developed a system for electronic feedback of aggregate data to compare clinic performance and of patient-level data to assist care providers in focusing their efforts in improving blood pressure and LDL control, and assessed incidence and changes in blood pressure and LDL control before and after implementation of feedback to calculate sample size for a randomized controlled trial. Read our full description of the Cardiovascular Risk Reduction project.
Expanding DARTNet to conduct a Comparative Effectiveness Study on Major Depression, AHRQ contract HHSA290200500371 Task Order 4, $1,599,997
This contract expanded DARTNet to conduct a comparative effectiveness study on major depression. Specifically, the task order enabled DARTNet to include more primary care practices with a focus on adding general pediatric practices and expanded the breadth and number of non-primary care specialists in the network. The researchers evaluated the ability to extract data using data sharing arrangements, through regional health information organizations, and through independent practice associations. The group then conducted an observational comparative effectiveness and safety study of different therapies for major depression. As part of this study, they evaluated the ability to track episodes of depression care and relate patient specific outcomes to these episodes. This task order also allowed DARTNet to develop a robust management and governance structure that will support the potential rapid growth of the network and responsiveness to various stakeholders with an interest in working with the network. View findings on the AHRQ Effective Health Care Program site and read our full description of the Depression project.
Collaborative National Network Examining Comparative Effectiveness Trials, Benjamin Miller, AHRQ R24 HS019462, $990,247
The CoNNECT project recruited members of the Collaborative Care Research Network (CCRN) to examine similarities and differences between practices that have onsite mental health providers compared to primary care practices that use a traditional referral model of offsite mental health providers. The study also examined the ability of these practices to obtain research information at the point of care for a large population of patients. Read our description of the CoNNECT project.
Improving Evidence-Based Primary Care For Chronic Kidney Disease, Fox, Chester H (State University of New York At Buffalo), NIDDK, $578,394 (total AAFP/UCD/DARTNet award $2,442,381)
This group randomized controlled trial tests the extent to which computerized decision support plus practice facilitation promotes evidence- based care for chronic kidney disease and improves the clinical outcomes of reduced disease progression and mortality in primary care practices. DARTNet practices were enrolled for the study, and data for the evaluation will be obtained using DARTNet technologies. Read our description of this Chronic Kidney Disease project.
Enhancing Fulfillment Data In Community Practices For Clinical Care And Research, Kahn, Michael G., AHRQ 1R21HS019726-01A1, $190,455
This project uses the DARTNet technology to assess and improve the accessibility and utility of fulfillment data in community practices. The focus of this study will extend beyond what occurs at the pharmacy level to include additional information on prescriptions submitted by other providers. Participating practices will be surveyed for their use of ePrescribing and the accessibility and utility of fulfillment data in their electronic health records. Fulfillment data will be extracted from six of those practices and assessed for completeness and accuracy. Read our description of the Enhancing Fulfillment Data project.
AAFP NRN and DARTNet Collaborative PBRN Center of Excellence, Kim Kimminau, AHRQ grant P30HS021647, $559,999
DI and the AAFP National Research Network were awarded one of eight 5-year grants to form a Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Practice-Based Research and Learning. DARTNet Institute partnered with 13 other networks from around the country to form the PBRN Center of Excellence. The AAFP NRN and will serve as a Research Center in Practice-Based Research and Learning. The center will be managed through the AAFP NRN, led by Dr. Kim Kimminau. The purpose of this award is to help stimulate cooperative research, increase the effectiveness of current research, and promote new research directions through collaborations among existing PBRNs, while accelerating both the generation of new knowledge and a community of learning for primary care practices to improve quality, patient safety and effectiveness of care.
Use of Systems Level Interventions to Improve Colorectal Cancer Screening and Follow-Up, Contract with CDC / Battelle Corp. for $336,599
The long-term objective for this project is to increase rates of colorectal cancer (CRC) screening among eligible, average-risk patients in the primary care setting. This project includes development of IT and EHR systems to capture outreach attempts to patients due for CRC screening, screening activity and outcomes of tests (FOBT, colonoscopy etc.); results of screening and outreach at point of care to encourage dialogue between clinician and patient about CRC; and reminders to increase the number of on-time CRC screening among those due for testing. Read our full description of the Colorectal Cancer Screening project.
Peers for Progress, grant from Peers for Progress to the AAFP Foundation for $805,000
This project evaluates the effects of the Care Companion diabetes peer mentoring intervention on patient self-management knowledge and behaviors, quality of life and social isolation, emotional well-being, and health outcomes including HbA1C, LDL, Blood pressure, diabetes distress (DDS, Fisher), and BMI. Read our full description of the Peers for Progress project.
Improving Hypertension Management in Primary Care Practice with the AAFP METRIC Program, grant from The Atlantic Philanthropies for $407,560
This study consisted of a review of 20 randomly selected patient records per physician (N=68) looking for guideline concordance for Diabetes Care for 6 items (dates of HbA1C, micro-albumin, cholesterol, and blood pressure measurements, and dates of flu vaccination and assessment of smoking status) during the 12 months prior to the intervention(s) and 6 months after the interventions. Read our full description of the METRIC project.
Cardiac Testing Evaluation, grant from AAFP Division of Continuing Medical Education for $128,277
Prior to the development of the content for an AAFP CME program related to cardiac testing, EHR data of DI healthcare systems in 3 selected regions of the U.S. were pulled and evaluated. Data included targeted cardiovascular testing ordered by PCP including ECG, exercise treadmill, functional/advanced testing, and cardiac CT scans. Data results were used to develop CME content targeted to specific regional testing orders. Read our full description of the Cardiac Testing Evaluation.
ABFM Maintenance of Certification (MOC): Does Completion of Professional Development Programs Affect Quality of Patient Care? American Board of Family Medicine Grant, $76,012
Retrospective pilot study that investigated the ability to demonstrate an effect of two specific Maintenance of Certification (MOC) modules for family physicians [Self-assessment Module (or SAM from Part II MOC) and Performance in Practice Module (PPM from Part IV MOC)] on the quality of diabetes care delivered by family physicians to their patients. Read our full description of the ABFM project.
SNOCAP-USA Master Contract, AHRQ Contract #HHSA290200710008, David R. West, PhD (PI), University of Colorado School of Medicine
This master contract allows SNOCAP-USA to compete for Task Orders from AHRQ. Task Orders that funded DI work include one for $152,586, 09/01/08 – 08/31/10, which funded the Community-Acquired MRSA study.
Integrating patient-reported outcomes and electronic health record data to improve clinical decision support for depression treatment, AHRQ Grant 1R21HS021769, Heather Anderson, $299,977
This project will collect depression severity and side effect tolerability information from patients in primary care being treated with an antidepressant, and integrate this information into a feedback report for clinicians to use at the point-of-care. The overall goal is to increase medication adherence and improve depression treatment outcomes. Read our full description of the Patient-reported Outcomes for Depression project.